
Creative Mindsets – Facilitators’ Handbook

PDF handbook for students and staff who plan to facilitate Creative Mindsets workshops. This contains guidance on setting expectations, listening, handling difficult conversations, mindsets, bias and stereotype threat, bystander interventions and privilege.

Black, Asian and minority ethnic student attainment at UK Universitites #CLOSINGTHEGAP

Evidence demonstrates that white students are more likely to leave university with a first- or upper-second-class degree compared to Black or Asian students or those from ethnicity minority backgrounds. This difference in educational outcomes is often referred to as the BAME attainment gap. This report first explains this disparity and presents approaches to closing the gap.

Joel Simpson

UAL Chelsea Fine Art Alumni Joel Simpson discusses his participation in the Creative Mindsets projects. The project aims to close the Black, Asian and minority ethnic awarding gap, and Joel discusses what more needs to be done by universities to achieve this.

UAL Creative Mindsets: Developing growth mindsets to address attainment inequalities in art and design higher education

This paper documents a Mobile Thematic Session at 2018 ELIA Biennial Conference, Resilience and the City: Art, Education, Urbanism, in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

UAL Anti-Racism Action Plan

The UAL Anti-racism action plan has been developed following consultation with staff and students.

‘From Attainment Gap to Awarding Gap’

In this vodcast, Vikki Hill interviews Dr Gurnam Singh to discuss the awarding gap and how the Creative Mindsets Project can develop anti-racist practices.

Creative Mindsets in Practice

Vikki Hill brings together five members of teaching staff from across the university for an online panel discussion to share the impact that Creative Mindsets has had on their teaching practice.

Interrogating Spaces

Interrogating Spaces examines ideas around inclusivity and attainment in Higher Education. Each episode will explore democratic and decolonised teaching practices through dialogue with practitioners as well as staff and students from University of the Arts London.

Decolonising the Arts Curriculum: Perspectives on Higher Education, zine 2, (Autumn 2019)

The zines are co-production between the Arts Student Union and Teaching, Learning and Employability Exchange and are part of the ongoing work to address disparities in experience and attainment for International students and students of colour.

They are aimed at both students and staff, as a tool for raising awareness and opening up conversations that will allow people to take things further in their creative and pedagogic practices.

Decolonising the Arts Curriculum: Perspectives on Higher Education, Zine 1 (June 2018)

The zines are co-production between the Arts Student Union and Teaching, Learning and Employability Exchange and are part of the ongoing work to address disparities in experience and attainment for International students and students of colour.

They are aimed at both students and staff, as a tool for raising awareness and opening up conversations that will allow people to take things further in their creative and pedagogic practices.

De-biasing strategies

De-biasing strategies is one of a series of worksheets brought together by the Academic Enhancement Model (AEM) team, part of the UAL Teaching and Learning Exchange.

Debunking Decolonisation: a resource for students and staff

This resource provides provocations to consider how biased the curriculum, creative industries and our learning contexts are. It offers ideas on how students and staff can begin to decolonise their teaching and learning environment.s.